Friday, February 1, 2013


Forty years and 54+ million lives later, what has America gained from Roe vs Wade?  
1. While it definitely didn’t establish the trend, Roe vs Wade helped to continue the precedence of ‘The Courts Make Law’.  
2. America has lost a generation of its young.  
3. The family has been severely wounded.  
Not a bad day’s work in the life of one of the 9 black-robed ‘law-makers’ formerly known as justices.
How many lives have been lost due to the
populace believing that courts can make law?

1.  I can’t expound on my first point very much.  I mostly just wanted to mention that many evil things have come due to the paper-tiger supremacy of the courts.  Abortion, ‘Gay Marriage’, no fault divorces, taking property from people, etc.  This isn’t to say that a blind squirrel doesn’t occasionally find a nut, but the figurative nuts for the Supreme Court and lower courts have come few and far between.  (Also, I am definitely not giving Congress a pass since they could stop this tomorrow, if they actually wanted to do so.) 

2.  Depending on what source you want to use, then, as of right now, approximately 54 million lives have been lost to abortion.  To help put those lives into some sort of perspective, if you add up every single war that America has ever fought, (disregarding the Native American/American war, due to the lack and inaccuracy of numbers.  And all of these numbers are a bit inaccurate.) America has lost roughly 5 million military men and women.  Five Million.  5 million to 54 million.  Taking the last ‘World War’ as an example, America lost roughly 400 thousand men and women.  America would have to enter into, more or less, 135 World War Twos to equal the death toll of the last 40 years. 135 World War Twos because of a woman’s 'right to choose'…  One hundred and thirty-five.. 

Side point.  I’m not trying to be irreverent with any individual life by tossing around numbers.  Because any and every life is precious.  It doesn’t matter if you’re Einstein or if you’re supposedly ‘mentally challenged’, in God’s sight you’re equal to anyone else and worth dying for.

3.  The murder of the innocent has provided a relatively easy escape for those not married, those ‘not wanting a family yet’, those not wanting the responsibility of a child, the raped, those not wanting a child of ‘that’ gender, or those not wanting a child that is ‘deformed’, etc. 
      What are all of those based on?  MY wants.  MY wishes.  MY desires.  MY Body.  WHO ARE YOU TO IMPOSE YOUR MORALITY??  I’m the center of the universe.  No one can force  a child on me if I don’t want it.  So bleepady bleep bleep.  

I think one of the foundational problems with American society is our embracement of evolution.  And while that is largely a post for another day, suffice it to say, Evolution embraces the ‘deity of self’.  No one has a true truth.  There is no eternity, so we might as well just run the rat race to the top of the food chain.  Crush anyone who gets in our way.  Survival of the fittest.  It’s about the present, not the eternal.  So if you can get ahead by doing something immoral, do it, it really doesn’t matter.  We’re all just randomly evolved primates.  I’m just here to make some dough, yo. 

So if some glob of tissue is going to impede MY happiness, then that life might as well be ‘terminated’.  One of the better institutions in life, and possibly the second best one at that, is deregulated from each sacrificing for the other, to each individual’s wishes.  Each person is his or her own deity.  Each does what is right in their own eyes.  You decide what is right and wrong.  And there will usually only be sacrifice for another individual if you get something out of it.  Sacrifice my time and money for a child, when I could be spending the money and time on myself?  Ha, slim chance.

Side point..  One of the eternally good things that I think has happened from Abortion being made ‘legal’, is that, I believe there are now 54,000,000+ more believers in heaven.  Which admittedly, if you would take that to its logical end, abortion = heaven, then that would mean that not only COULD Christians have an abortion, but that they SHOULD have an abortion.  However, we CAN NOT be Pragmatists. Christians can’t commit an atrocity for the sake of a good outcome.  Also, the Bible never clearly states that the unborn get a free pass from their sins and go to Heaven.  So it could be possible that very few of those children are in Heaven, I believe in an extremely gracious God though so I do not believe that is the case, but still, it is never explicitly stated that the unborn are forgiven.  As such, and on principle, Christians should do everything possible to stop abortions from occurring in America and around the world.

Since marriages now tend to be about self-wants, marriages ‘dissolve’ as soon as one of the parties decides they aren’t getting what they want from the marriage.  Which usually leads to, assuming they ever had children, the child or children being left with either a mother or a father, but not both.  Which in turn can help to funnel a perpetual tide of broken families.  Last time I checked the family is kind of the foundational block of society. Without a mother and father, a family, there is going to be no child.  The family is society's backbone. And without its backbone societies crumble.

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